I need a place to post this picture so that my online people can see the invite.  I know not everyone lives around us, but I'm getting excited to plan her 2nd birthday party!  We're doing Rainbows!  Because I'm not really that creative.  Here's the invite and here's the cake I plan to make!
Totally awful at blogging, I know - but this picture makes it all worthwhile.  I swear, the people over at siggie town are awesome.  I love love love this picture.  Hope you do too.  Especially since I'm sitting in a hotel room missing Sophia and Nick and the kids while she turns 13 months today....Click on the picture to make it bigger!

I'm awful at blogging.  I wonder why.  Maybe because I say all I need to say in photos of Sophia :)  But I also thought this one was especially rockin' so I thought I might post it up here.  There's just not much else I can say except that she is the most fun I think I've ever had.  So sit back and enjoy the videos and photos, because that's all I have to say about that :)





Ok, first of all, those dipwads at the radio station wouldn't know a cute baby if it spit up on them.  I'm not bitter, but some of those kids they picked just simply were not cute.  The ones they picked in the original "header" page were adorable!  Sophie would have had a tough time against them...but for some reason they picked other kids to be in the finals?  Really?  Anyhoo - Sophia went out in the snow!!!  I'm not sure what she made of it.  I think she looks cross eyed in the one pic...My little cross-eyed pretty girl :)


One of the things I have really been wanting to do is get a pic of Santa and Sophia.  I was able to do that on Tuesday (yay me!)  I have also been taking numerous shots of her in Christmas attire (as evident on her 5-month page) and I think she's starting to take to it!  We'll find out on Monday if she is included in the KISS FM 99.3 Holiday Baby contest.  If she is, I'll post the link to vote.  It's $1000 for her college fund (please, oh please)...so stay tuned!


Or...an online journal.  I haven't done a blog on here because I figured people mostly came for the pictures.  But a few of my friends have blogs (see links at the right and visit them if you'd like!) and so...I sort of felt left out.  Also, not sure if this will work or not, but I'm posting the "signature" (a.k.a. Siggie) of all my online mama-friends' babies.  Mostly because I want a place to show off the siggie file for which we waited so long!

What's really funny is that when I first started a blog...oh, about 6 years ago - it was a fairly new concept and I can remember my mother yelling at me for sharing my personal life on the web with ANYONE.  Now, it's like you're SOOOO out of the loop if you DON'T have a blog.  Is this what connectivity has come to?  I can't remember the last time I was on the telephone for something other than a "when are you coming home" update or a telemarketer.
